Abroad Modern bolsters social initiatives with a multiplied effect. Many social enterprises follow a circular model for change — selling goods made by artisans in need and distributing a portion of the proceeds back to their communities.
Our model is more expansive, fan-like. We support artisans and our Destination Partners to procure our goods, and then pay forward a portion of our revenue in the form of micro-grants awarded to women entrepreneurs worldwide, through our non profit partner, Giving Joy. The micro-grants allow women to pursue their dreams and sustain their families and communities. In many instances, we widen the fan by selling goods made by Giving Joy grantees. Our soaps from the Gejja Women Foundation in Uganda are a perfect example of the dynamic networks we are building.
You are an indispensable partner in our cycle of giving and uplifting women around the globe. A portion of the proceeds from your purchases endow the Giving Joy grants. Please share our efforts, emails and posts with your friends. The more people we reach, the more good we do. And there's nothing we need more these days than some serious "do-goodery”.
Our goal is to make it simple for you to support women around the world. A percentage of the proceeds from your Abroad Modern purchase go towards Giving Joy.
Sign up for the Giving Joy mailing list for updates on grant applicants and recipients.
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